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JavaScript API | OlarkThe Olark Live Chat JavaScript API documentation demonstrates how users can customize the chat widget on their website.
Foreign Exchange Widget and Currency Rates Tools - Currency ConverterIf you would like to display a currency converter widget and exchange rates widget on your own website, then choose your default base currency and change the styling of many aspects to suit your website. that you require
MapMyUser: Visualize and Analyze Website Traffic in Real-TimeMapMyUser provides realtime user analytics. You can track online users, their current activity and their geolocation. Use our widget on your website or blog to view number of online visiters and live user statistics
Best RSS, Social Media Widgets for your Websites | FeedWindEmbed RSS feed, Google Calendar, Facebook, YouTube, X or Instagram widget on any website or blog in just minutes. Start Free Trial!
Create a Single Column Widget for Mobile | FeedWindSingle column widget for mobile features helps you decide how many feeds or posts widgets can have on mobile devices. Read more.
YD Recent Posts Widget | Yann Bug DuboisImportant notice : since October 2013, the YD Recent Posts Widget plugin has been officially replaced and superseded by the WP Frontpage News Plugin, available
LiveChat® Pricing Plans | Start For Free | LiveChat.comPick a pricing plan that is the best fit for your company. Start with the 14-day free trial and join 37,000+ online businesses that already grow with LiveChat®!
Google Review Widget ✨- Embed to your website now100% free Google Review Widget ✅ Embed into your website in 2 minutes ✅ No coding necessary ✅ Get your free widget now!
Currency Converter Widget - FX Exchange RateCurrency Converter Widget - Add to your site - Currency Converter Widget - FX Exchange Rate
Weather Widget, HTML weather, Flash weatherYoWindow weather widget works like your window - a landscape reflects the weather. You see weather picture, not just numbers.
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